![]() 滁州博創能源科技有限公司是一家致力于生產少層石墨烯粉體及各類三元電池、磷酸鐵鋰電池的高新技術初創企業。 主要產品有:石墨烯粉體、碳納米管粉體,各類導電漿料以及各類三元電池、磷酸鐵鋰電池。石墨烯具有比普通碳黑更加優異的導電性能,添加于蓄電池中能降低電池內阻和發熱,提升電池的容量、壽命以及安全性等,并已成功應用于我公司自行生產的磷酸鐵鋰、三元正極和鈦酸鋰、硅碳合金等負極材料中。碳納米管薄膜集極高的力學強度、電導率和熱導率、柔韌性和質量輕等優異性能于一身,可應用于電極材料、電磁屏蔽、防彈及復合材料等領域。公司采用先進的生產工藝,產品生產過程中無“三廢”產生,綠色環保。 博創公司為可再生能源、電力、涂料和交通運輸等領域客戶提供專業、全面的解決方案和技術支持。公司以“質量第一、以人為本、科學管理、優質服務”為發展方針,力爭成為新能源材料行業中的一顆新星。 Chuzhou Broad Creative Energy Tech. Ltd. is a hightech startup company focusing on R&D, production and applications of nanostructured carbonaceous materials. The main products include fewlayered graphene powders and carbon nanotube films. Graphene powder has been successfully used as an advanced conductive additive in mainstream lithium ion batteries. It can greatly lower the internal resistance and heat generation of batteries, elongates batterys life span and ensures their safety. Carbon nanotube thin film integrates high electronic and thermal conductivity, mechanical strength and flexibility into a lightweight system. It can be applied in electrode material, EMI Shielding, bullet proof and composite materials. The production process is green and safe without wastes generation.Broad Creative Energy Technology Ltd. provides professional and systematic solutions and supports for customers in renewable energy, electric power, painting and transportation fields. |